all postcodes in L22 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L22 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L22 3XA 45 1 53.473631 -3.020216
L22 3XB 30 0 53.47398 -3.01935
L22 3XD 8 0 53.474838 -3.018844
L22 3XE 42 4 53.474856 -3.020771
L22 3XF 6 1 53.478727 -3.021074
L22 3XG 23 2 53.47498 -3.020067
L22 3XH 19 0 53.478559 -3.019897
L22 3XJ 23 0 53.479042 -3.02229
L22 3XL 12 0 53.477266 -3.020785
L22 3XN 30 1 53.477006 -3.018594
L22 3XP 4 3 53.476626 -3.018977
L22 3XQ 24 0 53.477794 -3.021099
L22 3XS 1 1 53.476562 -3.021007
L22 3XT 14 0 53.475593 -3.018832
L22 3XU 44 0 53.475469 -3.017335
L22 3XX 13 1 53.474361 -3.016858
L22 3XY 25 0 53.472993 -3.018031
L22 3XZ 29 1 53.473884 -3.017947
L22 3YA 41 0 53.472548 -3.017523
L22 3YB 34 0 53.47296 -3.01565